Wife slashes Husband's Fingers for checking her Mobile

Update: 2016-05-17 10:05 GMT
Wife slashes Husbands Fingers for checking her Mobile
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A Woman slashed the fingers of her Husband with a kitchen knife after he snatched her smartphone to check the text messages. This shocking incident happened in Bengaluru on 4th of May 2016.

Chandraprakash Singh and Sunitha Singh who hail from Bihar got married seven years ago and they are IT Professionals working for different companies. 3-Year-Ago, They moved to Bengaluru. For some reason, Sunitha Singh has resigned to her job recently and used to spend most of her time with mobile.

When Mr.Singh reached home at 11 pm on May 4th, Sunitha Singh was seen busy with her mobile. When he asked her why she hasn't prepared food for dinner, Sunitha told him that food was ordered online and it would arrive soon. Mr. Singh scolded his Wife for her addiction to mobile and this led to heated argument. He snatched her phone and started checking the messages, and thereafter they exchanged few blows. Soon, Sunitha went into the kitchen and Mr.Singh had slapped her there. Enraged with it, Sunitha attacked her hubby with a knife. Mr.Singh suffered severe injuries and he rushed to the nearby hospital after dropping the mobile on the floor.

Later, The Couple filed police complaints against each other. Cops offered them counseling and involved their parents to see if there is a possibility of patch-up.

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