Will TRS merge into Congress in near future?

Update: 2014-02-19 11:41 GMT
The final task has been done. Separate Telengana got victory in the parliament. TRS’ aim to achieve this aspect has been successfully achieved. As promised Congress High Command gave Separate Telengana to TRS and to keep up the promise on the other side, TRS should now merge with Congress.

“Will TRS merge into Congress in near future?” turned out to be the point under discussion. Analysts are saying that the entire region of Telengana is now under the grip of TRS. This party leaders are now having the power to rule the region. One of them may get CM status too. In this situation, “Why will they give their power to Congress?” turned out to be the point.

It is a known point that TRS laid few more conditions before Congress. As per those condition, Congress should give complete Telengana without any sharing. Hence, TRS may show this point to avoid the merging. They may say that they will merge TRS into Congress only after giving complete Hyderabad to Telengana. According to this logic, this region will be in TRS rule for the next 10 years

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