BRS parade grounds meet cancelled: KCR third time unlucky!!

The Ruling BRS has cancelled its public meeting scheduled to be held on Saturday at the Parade Grounds in Secunderabad.

Update: 2023-11-25 09:21 GMT

The Ruling BRS has cancelled its public meeting scheduled to be held on Saturday at the Parade Grounds in Secunderabad. Dubbed Praja Asheervada Sabha or People’s Blessing Meet, the yatra was to showcase the TRS might in the Twin cities.

However, the BRS has decided to call off the meeting citing inclement weather and a possible rain washout. However, BRS watchers feel that the meeting was put off as the BRS is unsure of a massive turnout. This could affect the overall image of the party.

Sources say that the BRS has developed second thoughts about the programme as both the top BJP honchos led by Narendra Modi and topguns of the Congress Party are in the state to campaign in various spots.

Highly placed sources say that if the BRS holds a meeting, then the media could do a comparative study of these two meetings. And this could make a dent in the positive image that the BRS wants to build in the state.

Sources also revealed that the incharges of various constituencies and the MLA candidates have flatly said that the turnout to the meeting could be far too low.

To add to the woes, even the IB sleuths gave a report that the turnout could be way too lower than expected. Hence they reportedly advised against going ahead with the public meeting. The general negative mood of the voters too has been touted as a reason for the cancellation.

Interestingly, this is not the first time that a mega BRS meet could not be held in the twin cities. During the parliamentary elections of 2019, the BRS wanted to hold a public meeting at the LB stadium. However, the reported alerted the government that the turnout could be quite low. Later, on the advice of senior leaders, the meeting was cancelled.

Later during the 2020, GHMC elections were held. As part of it, the BRS wanted hold a public meeting. However, the meeting had to be cancelled due to the lukewarm response from the students and the youth. As a result, this progam too had to be cancelled at the last moment.


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