Famous Casino Organiser Presented With A Doctorate!

A doctorate is a parameter of one’s excellence in their respective fields.

Update: 2023-11-11 05:30 GMT

A doctorate is a parameter of one’s excellence in their respective fields. Those who complete a PhD on a subject are given a doctorate. It is not easy to do a PhD as it takes years together to complete the thesis. There is another way as well in which people get a doctorate.

People are also given a doctorate considering their valuable contributions in a field. A few celebrities and cricketing stars were given a doctorate in a bid to honour their contributions. Now a doctorate grabbed everyone’s attention.

Chikoti Praveen Kumar who often hits the headlines with the casino row was presented with a doctorate. A felicitation function was held at the Taj Deccan Hotel. At the function, he was presented with a doctorate by the United Theological Research Institute University of California.

Speaking on the occasion Chikoti Praveen expressed his happiness over getting the honour. He said that he has a love for the environment and animals and that he tries to help animals as much as possible within his capacity.

While Chikoti Praveen Kumar’s doctorate became the talk of the town there is no clarity on why he was picked for this. However, some netizens think that he might have been picked for this on the grounds of his love for animals. His lavish farmhouse is home to many animals including exotic ones.

It is known that Chikoti Praveen Kumar recently joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in Telangana ahead of the general elections. He was supposed to join the saffron party long back. But it got postponed due to various reasons. Putting an end to this he wore the BJP shawl.

Chikoti Praveen Kumar shot to super fame with the infamous Casino rows. Even the ED waged into the row and conducted raids. After the issue, his lavish lifestyle came to light. He was even arrested in Thailand for this. Later he was given bail.


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