Good News For Parents; Schools Cannot Sell Uniforms,Books!

Education is important for everyone and it helps young minds in learning new things.

Update: 2024-05-31 11:35 GMT

Education is important for everyone and it helps young minds in learning new things. However, the education costs have increased and it charges a bomb for education in private schools and institutions. Some schools even charge lakhs for a year. Only fees will not do and there are additional charges as well.

Uniforms, shoes, and stationery are mandatory for students. However, the majority of schools demand parents to buy these things with them only. Parents often complain that the costs will be more in schools compared to outside.

As the schools will be opened soon sensational orders are said to have come from the court on this. In a decision that needs to be hailed the schools in Hyderabad were directed to not sell school uniforms, books, and stationery on the campuses. The concerned authorities were directed to put a tab on this.

Having said no to the sale on the campus, the Court also said that there should be no profiteering from the sales. However, if the sales have to be done then the policy of non-commercial, no-profit-no-loss should be followed.

The rules apply to all the state, CBSE, and ICSE schools which come under the purview of the Hyderabad region. The Deputy Educational Officers were issued the orders on this to take all the measures.

On the other hand, a special mandal-level committee will be set up in the region and the bodies will put a tab on how the schools are functioning as far as the sale of uniforms and books is concerned.

If any school fails to follow the orders and violates this the issue can be taken to the District Educational Officer and the appropriate action would be taken.

People are saying that this can be good news for parents who are worried about the costs of uniforms and other things. The purchase puts more burden on them. The Orders came as a big relief to them.


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