These Heads Of The Nations Died In Deadly Plane Crashes!

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian breathed their last in a deadly chopper crash.

Update: 2024-05-20 10:56 GMT

A Helicopter crash cast Iran big time as it lost two leaders. Earlier it was reported that the chopper lost contact triggering a lot of fear. Rescue teams were deployed for them. Unfortunately, the chopper was found crashed by the teams. The authorities announced the sad news.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian breathed their last in a deadly chopper crash. The local media broke the sad news saying that the place of the crash was also spotted by the rescue teams deployed. Condolences from leaders of other countries are pouring in.

With this sad incident, the focus went on to other incidents in which the heads of the countries lost their lives in similar incidents. Let us have a look at such incidents.

Arvid Lindman: The former Prime Minister of Sweden was in office twice. An aircraft crash claimed his life. The aircraft named Douglas DC-2 crashed on 9 December 1936 and he breathed his last.

Ramon Magsaysay: He was the President of Ramon Magsaysay. He had an honorary Doctorate. However, the occasion saw a disastrous outcome as he died the very next day in a crash. He was honored with the doctorate on March 16, 1957. The next day he died in a crash.

Abdul Salam Arif: He was the second President of Iraq. He was appointed to the big post in 1963. Three years after his appointment he died in a crash on April 13, 1966. Due to the growing tensions, the coalition of Ba'athists dethroned the then President Abdel Karim Qasim, and Arif became his replacement.

Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco: The Military personality-turned-leader was the Brazilian President. He served as the 26th President. He breathed his last on July 18, 1967, when his aircraft collided with another.

Rashid Karami: He was the Lebanese Prime Minister who had a big legacy to his name as he was elected as many as eight times. He hails from a political family and his father was also a politician. He was assassinated in 1987 with a bomb which was operated with a remote control.

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq: The ex-President of Pakistan died in 1988. He breathed his last when a military aircraft crashed. Muhammad and his generals were traveling in an army plane. Unfortunately, it crashed near Bahawalpur killing all the people onboard.


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