Python Horror: 64-Year-Old Thai Woman Held for Two Hours!

Arom had been washing dishes when she suddenly felt sharp pain and realized, to her terror, that a python had latched onto her.

Update: 2024-09-21 10:24 GMT

A quiet evening turned into a chilling encounter for Arom Arunroj, a 64-year-old woman, who was viciously attacked by a massive python while performing a routine household chore. The incident, which took place in her home near Thailand's Bangkok on Tuesday, quickly escalated into a life-or-death struggle as the enormous snake, estimated to be between 13 to 16 feet long, sank its teeth into her thigh and wrapped itself around her with deadly intent.

Arom had been washing dishes when she suddenly felt sharp pain and realized, to her terror, that a python had latched onto her. The snake's crushing grip forced her to the floor, leaving her with little room to maneuver. Despite her desperate attempts to pry the snake's head away, the python only tightened its coils, constricting her for nearly two hours before help arrived.

As Arom's cries for assistance went unanswered for an agonizing hour and a half, a concerned neighbor finally heard her pleas and alerted the authorities. When police and animal control officers arrived at the scene, they found Arom propped against her kitchen door, exhausted and pale, with the python still wrapped around her waist. It took them approximately 30 minutes to free her from the snake's grasp using a crowbar to strike the reptile's head until it released its hold and slithered away.

Arom was immediately transported to a nearby hospital for treatment of several bite wounds. Miraculously, she appeared to be otherwise unharmed, as evidenced by videos of her speaking to Thai media shortly after the harrowing incident. This terrifying encounter serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in the most unexpected places, even in the comfort of one's own home.


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