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Changing Trends: Why Tollywood Stars Avoid Outdoor Shoots

The fervor of fans, the vibrancy of real life, and the raw energy of these outdoor shoots were the lifeblood of Telugu cinema.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   18 July 2024 8:21 AM GMT
Changing Trends: Why Tollywood Stars Avoid Outdoor Shoots

Once, Tollywood was a bustling, open-air theatre. Stars like Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Venkatesh, and Nagarjuna were its charismatic ringmasters, commanding the attention of thronging crowds as they performed their cinematic magic on location. The fervor of fans, the vibrancy of real life, and the raw energy of these outdoor shoots were the lifeblood of Telugu cinema.

However, the golden age of outdoor shoots is fading into a sepia-toned memory. Today, the silver screen is increasingly becoming a controlled, indoor spectacle. The likes of Prabhas and Mahesh Babu, while undeniably talented, have chosen to confine their cinematic universes within the sterile confines of studios. The once-thriving ecosystem of outdoor shoots is now a niche habitat, struggling to survive.

This shift is a double-edged sword. While it grants filmmakers greater control over the cinematic experience, it also risks diluting the authenticity that real locations provide. Can CGI truly replicate the soul of a sun-drenched village or the grandeur of a bustling city? And at what cost? The financial burden of creating elaborate digital worlds is undeniable.

As the industry continues its inexorable march towards technological dominance, one cannot help but wonder: Will the day come when the very essence of cinema – its ability to transport us to different worlds – becomes a casualty of convenience? Or will a new generation of filmmakers emerge, daring to defy the trends, and rediscover the magic of shooting on location?