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Rapaka's flip flop on Rs10 crore offer

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   27 March 2023 10:30 AM GMT
Rapakas flip flop on Rs10 crore offer
Even as the game of oneupmanship is on between the ruling YSRCP and opposition TDP in Andhra Pradesh, the sole Jana Sena MLA Rapaka Varaprasad succeeded in grabbing the headlines on Sunday. He made stunning revelations that he was offered Rs 10 crore to vote for the TDP candidate in the recent MLC elections.

But, hours later, he clarified that he had never said that Rs 10 crore were offered to him. He said the offer was made, but he had never said that Rs 10 crore was involved. He said the TDP did ask him to vote for the party. They also tried to lure Undi's YSRCP MLA also, Rapaka Varaprasad said.

Rapaka, who had won on the Jana Sena ticket from Razole, has later latched onto the YSRCP bandwagon. He has been claiming that he is a loyal follower of Ys Jagan Mohan Reddy. Referring to the Rs 10 crore offer, he said he would not sell his soul for money.

However, when asked to give details of the TDP offer, Rapraka Varaprasad changed tack. He said he had never claimed that Rs 10 crore were offered to him. The TDP did ask me to vote for its candidate, said. Sources say that Rapaka would soon join YSRCP officially and become its candidate in 2024.