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TPCC Chief : Who Among Seniors Will Get the Lucky Chance?

The Telangana wing of Congress is high on confidence with the win in recent elections.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   16 May 2024 5:41 AM GMT
TPCC Chief : Who Among Seniors Will Get the Lucky Chance?

The Telangana wing of Congress is high on confidence with the win in recent elections. The party put in the best efforts in the recent Lok Sabha elections and it is confident of winning as many as 14 seats. Now it is said that AICC is working on a big thing.

As per the political circles, we might see a new TPCC chief after the Lok Sabha results are out. After this, the party might announce the new state chief who will take care of the party activities. Revanth Reddy is the TPCC chief currently and he might be replaced so that he can focus on governance.

It is said that a few leaders are in the race for this. It is going to be interesting to see who would get picked for the big post among the heavyweights.

The likes of Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, Komatireddy Rajgopal Reddy,Madhu Goud Yaskhi,Sampath Kumar, Jagga Reddy, Mahesh Kumar, Anjan Kumar,Shabbir Ali and Seethakka are said to be in the race.

It is going to be an interesting race among the seniors and everyone wonder who will get the big chance. This is not the first time seniors were in the race.

The same thing happened earlier too. But Revanth Reddy was picked over others. It was a game changing decision as Congress came to power after ten long years.

When Revanth Reddy was made the TPCC chief, the seniors revolted and questioned this. Some of them even alleged that the TPCC chief post was sold. But Revanth Reddy developed good ties with the seniors.

With this, the focus went on to the debate of who would get the chance. Though the seniors are in the race, many say that Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka might get an edge as he missed the CM post. Earlier it was reported that he was in the race for CM post. But Revanth Reddy was picked.