An English Daily reported about the clash between Allu Aravind and Allu Arjun. It's been reported that Allu Arjun shifted to a new office from Geetha Arts Compound because of the family feud. In addition, An indication was given that Allu Aravind is keen to produce films of Mahesh Babu and Ram Charan rather then his own Son.
As per the daily, This happened because few people have been badly influencing both father and son to an extent that cracks could lead to division of the Allu Empire.
In reality, There is nothing like Father Vs Son in Allu Family. Allu Arjun moved out of Geetha Arts Office and set up a new office as he don't want other Heroes who work for his family-owned production house feel uncomfortable with his presence. The Actor felt the need for a separate office while working on couple of projects simultaneously. He is also holding story sittings with few other filmmakers since few months.
All those who are close to Allu Family knew about the bonding between Aravind and Arjun. Bunny gives a lot of credit for the success he had seen as an Actor for his Father. There is nothing like Family Feud in Allu Family.
As per the daily, This happened because few people have been badly influencing both father and son to an extent that cracks could lead to division of the Allu Empire.
In reality, There is nothing like Father Vs Son in Allu Family. Allu Arjun moved out of Geetha Arts Office and set up a new office as he don't want other Heroes who work for his family-owned production house feel uncomfortable with his presence. The Actor felt the need for a separate office while working on couple of projects simultaneously. He is also holding story sittings with few other filmmakers since few months.
All those who are close to Allu Family knew about the bonding between Aravind and Arjun. Bunny gives a lot of credit for the success he had seen as an Actor for his Father. There is nothing like Family Feud in Allu Family.