'Sardaar Gabbar Singh' was released amid huge expectations. The movie almost touched 'Bahubali' with the opening day collections. But the situation has completely changed later with flop talk and the movie turned out to be a disaster. Most of the buyers, distributors incurred losses with the film. They all came together and formed Sardaar buyers club. Many thought that 'Katama Rayudu' was made to support the Sardaar buyers.. but the situation has been completely changed now.
If the movie really made to compensate the losses of Sardaar buyers & distributors.. they should have given 'Katama Rayudu' rights to the same buyers. When we watch 'Katama Rayudu'.. we get a feeling that they didn't spend more than 10 crores. When they have made the movie with such a nominal budget, they should have given it to Sadaar buyers. But they have sold it to others for 85 crores.
Coming the present, 'Katama Rayudu' may end of as a flop as per the trade analysts. On the whole the movie may collect 50 crore.. or 60 crore maximum..but not more than that. So, there will be deficit for sure. Going by these estimates.. it appears that Katama Rayudu Buyers Club is inevitable as per the trade pundits.
If the movie really made to compensate the losses of Sardaar buyers & distributors.. they should have given 'Katama Rayudu' rights to the same buyers. When we watch 'Katama Rayudu'.. we get a feeling that they didn't spend more than 10 crores. When they have made the movie with such a nominal budget, they should have given it to Sadaar buyers. But they have sold it to others for 85 crores.
Coming the present, 'Katama Rayudu' may end of as a flop as per the trade analysts. On the whole the movie may collect 50 crore.. or 60 crore maximum..but not more than that. So, there will be deficit for sure. Going by these estimates.. it appears that Katama Rayudu Buyers Club is inevitable as per the trade pundits.