Nidhhi Agerwal had a poor start in the Telugu Film Industry with both of her films featuring Akkineni Brothers failing at the Box Office. She, however, got the break with 'iSmart Shankar' which set the cash registers ringing. All of a sudden, People began paying attention to this Hyderabad-born Beauty who was brought up in Bengaluru. She have two Bollywood Flicks in the pipeline but yet to sign any new project in Tollywood after 'iSmart Shankar'.
In this photograph, Nidhhi Agerwal seems to have lost in thought...Her body is present but mind has been somewhere else. What's going on in her mind when this picture was shot? Isn't she looking lovely here? That classic combination of white top, simple jewellery and loose hair will never get outdated. What do you say?
In this photograph, Nidhhi Agerwal seems to have lost in thought...Her body is present but mind has been somewhere else. What's going on in her mind when this picture was shot? Isn't she looking lovely here? That classic combination of white top, simple jewellery and loose hair will never get outdated. What do you say?