Why No. 9 is so special for NTR?

Update: 2016-01-24 04:31 GMT
Why No. 9 is so special for NTR?
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Celebrities do have some sentiments and NTR is no exception in this case. Young Tiger strongly believes No.9 is lucky for him and hence choose 9999 as the number for his car.

NTR: "I don't believe in sentiments much but I must admit my liking for No.9. Car numbers of both grandfather NTR and father Harikrishna were 9999. That's why, I began liking it and it also proved lucky for me".

Tarak goes on a shopping spree whenever he is on a foreign tour. He always opt for buying watches & cooling glassed rather than clothes. In fact, There is a big watch store in his house.

Once, NTR bought a Auto Horn when he went to shopping in Dubai. His friends teased him saying, 'Didn't you find anything other than this in Dubai?'.

Jr loves traveling a lot and he wishes to cover the entire World. Currently, He have passports of all the countries and will go for a foreign tour whenever he gets a break for 10 days. Turkey and Istambul are his favorite holiday destinations. 

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