Cinematographers scared of Telugu Heroes

Update: 2017-07-08 07:50 GMT
Domination of Heroes in Telugu Film Industry used to trouble only Producers & Directors until few years ago. In the recent past, Cinematographers are facing the heat as they are getting replaced if they don't share a good rapport with Heroes.

A Bollywood Cinematographer was hired for the recently released film of a Mega Hero. While the shoot was in the last leg stage, Differences cropped up between Hero & Cameraman. As a result, A Star Cinematographer from Tollywood was brought in his place to do the pending work.

Similar scene got repeated in the case of a film starring this Star Hero's Brother. A Mollywood Cameraman was replaced at the halfway stage with the same Cinematographer who worked for his Brother's Previous Film.

Even the Cinematographer working for a Young Hero's Flick got replaced in a same manner. Not a surprise, Cameramen are scared of Telugu Hero these days. 

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