Varalakshmi Sarathkumar Kidnapped?

Update: 2017-04-18 18:06 GMT
Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, known for her acting in Tamil movies and Malayalam films is the daughter of popular actor Sarathkumar and she also gave her support for the campaign of actresses against sexual harassment and made some strong comments against the Industry people whom she alledged for asking sexual favours from her being a daughter of a famous and influential personality.

She appealed for all the actresses and young woman to come together for her 'Save Shakti' campaign and she promised to come up with better solution for the problem. Now, tweets with hashtag, #VaralakshmiKidnapped are going around with her photo. Fans are worried about the actor and what happened to her. Many thought it could be for her 'Save Shakti' campaign.

But the actress came out and cleared the confusion by saying that it was all part of a promotional campaign for her next film. The actress also asked her fans not to worry about her well-being and thanked them for their concern!

She tweeted,

" I'm absolutely fine.. thank u for ur's a part of our movie promotion.. announcement at 6pm..!!"

Also followed it up by apologising to fans and saying she was unaware of the promotion campaign.

"I wasn't aware of this promotion as I'm in delhi representing my Save shakti petition to the Law ministry..Sorry for the trouble..!!"

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