Reverse Operation Akarsh: 30 Or More?

Update: 2019-02-15 07:03 GMT
Exit of Sitting MLAs and MPs from TDP kept increasing day-by-day. So far, 3 MLAs and an MP left the Ruling Party. The count is likely to continue growing in the next few weeks if the latest trend is any indication.

Chirala MLA Amanchi Krishna Mohan declared several TDP Leaders will be joining YCP very soon. Some of the Leaders who joined YCP recently have been predicting that around 30 MLAs/MLCs/MPs/Constituency In-Charges would quit the Ruling Party. The list include those YCP MLAs and MPs who defected to TDP.

Analysts say, Expect several Sitting MLAs and MPs to change parties ahead of the 2019 Polls in AP. First Preference of most of these leaders will be YSRC. If there is no vacancy in YCP, They could prefer joining Jana Sena Party.

YCP Leadership is assuring Tickets for defectors only in those constituencies where it doesn't have Strong Leaders. In most of the segments, Sitting YCP MLAs, MPs and Party In-charges will be offered tickets. Anybody can join party without expecting ticket...that's the version of the YCP Leadership!

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