Nandhyala MLA Bhuma Nagireddy who suffered a cardiac arrest while reading Newspaper Today morning has breathed his last while undergoing treatment. He was placed on Ventilator in Suraksha Hospital in Nandhyala. As his body didn't respond to the treatment, Officials tried to shift Bhuma to Hyderabad in a helicopter. However, The condition of the Legislator deteriorated further during this period and he passed away.
The 53-Year-Old has vast experience as a Politician and an influential leader in Kurnool District. He is survived by Two Daughters and a Son. Family Members, Followers and Fans were still in a shock.
Bhuma suffered a cardiac arrest in the past. Then, He underwent a By-Pass Surgery. A week ago, He suffered a heart attack and undergone treatment at a private hospital in Hyderabad. After recovering a bit, He went to Vijayawada on Saturday for meeting CM Chandrababu Naidu. Then, Chief Minister enquired about his health and asked him to take any pressures. Bhuma returned to his home last night. Much to everyone's shock, He suffered yet another stroke this morning within a gap of one week. All the attempts made by the team of Doctors didn't yield any results.
The 53-Year-Old has vast experience as a Politician and an influential leader in Kurnool District. He is survived by Two Daughters and a Son. Family Members, Followers and Fans were still in a shock.
Bhuma suffered a cardiac arrest in the past. Then, He underwent a By-Pass Surgery. A week ago, He suffered a heart attack and undergone treatment at a private hospital in Hyderabad. After recovering a bit, He went to Vijayawada on Saturday for meeting CM Chandrababu Naidu. Then, Chief Minister enquired about his health and asked him to take any pressures. Bhuma returned to his home last night. Much to everyone's shock, He suffered yet another stroke this morning within a gap of one week. All the attempts made by the team of Doctors didn't yield any results.