Another Headache For The BJP

Update: 2019-12-31 13:21 GMT
Troubles are mounting for the BJP across the country. After the reversals in Maharashtra and Jharkhand defeats, more and more regional partners of the BJP are flexing their muscles and are making the BJP huff and puff over seat sharing, They are claiming that they are the bigger party in the states and are demanding more seats in the next elections

The latest headache for the BJP is Bihar. Bihar will go to polls in 2020 and BJP’s alliance partner JDU is demanding a larger pie in the seat-sharing. JDU leaders like Prashant Kishor are claiming that the JDU is the senior partner and that the seat sharing should be done in 1:1.4 ratio and not as was done in the Lok Sabha elections. In the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP got a larger share of seats and more seats. The JDU played the second fiddle. This time around, there is increasing clamour for more seats for the JDU.

Bihar has 243 seats and in the 2015 elections, the JDU and the RJD formed an alliance to defeat the BJP. But, later, the JDU broke up with the RJD and joined hands with the BJP to remain in power. With the elections approaching fast, JDU leaders are demanding more seats this time.

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