Former Minister DK Aruna's Husband Bharat Simha Reddy met with an accident in Mahabubnagar district on Wednesday afternoon. Two other vehicles collided with that of Reddy's Vehicle at Yeligandla in Marikal Mandal. As many as 6 people got injuries in this accident
The impact of the accident was so severe that Bharat Simha Reddy fell unconscious immediately and the vehicle has gone completely out of shape. He was rushed to Hyderabad after first aid in Mahabubnagar. Doctors said Bharat Simha Reddy is out of danger but he might have suffered a hand fracture.
Apparently, Bharat Simha Reddy narrowly escaped a road mishap in Warangal district recently. He was lucky enough to get away with that but not this time.
DK Aruna is an influential leader in Telangana state. She served as Minister during Congress regime and currently represents Gadwal Assembly Constituency.
The impact of the accident was so severe that Bharat Simha Reddy fell unconscious immediately and the vehicle has gone completely out of shape. He was rushed to Hyderabad after first aid in Mahabubnagar. Doctors said Bharat Simha Reddy is out of danger but he might have suffered a hand fracture.
Apparently, Bharat Simha Reddy narrowly escaped a road mishap in Warangal district recently. He was lucky enough to get away with that but not this time.
DK Aruna is an influential leader in Telangana state. She served as Minister during Congress regime and currently represents Gadwal Assembly Constituency.