Facebook New Plans for Modi Aspirations

Update: 2014-10-09 15:18 GMT
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zukerberg had met PM Narendra Modi today. After the meet he stressed on the importance of enhancing Internet connectivity in India. He said  "Connectivity can't be restricted to just the rich and powerful. Cost of Internet access has to be made affordable."

Adding to above he disclosed his plans on improving communication in India. He said "India is an amazing country with unlimited potential. It is a place of big ambitions and Facebook is deeply committed to the country. We see lot of growth for us here. Tomorrow I'm meeting the Prime Minister. He is committed to connecting villages online and we are excited to see how Facebook can help,"

COnsidering these facts on world wide basis Zukenberg launched the global Internet project called internet.org in the country. The project, which was globally announced in August last year, aims to bring Internet connectivity to the two-thirds of the global population that is not connected. The founding members of internet.org are Facebook, Ericsson, MediaTek, Nokia, Opera, Qualcomm and Samsung. Zukerberg will be attending various event during his two day visit which started today.

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