Members of TDP NRI-wing disrupted the meeting of BJP Rajya Sabha MP GVL Narasimha Rao in USA. The Parliament Member shared a video message on his Twitter handle expressing his displeasure and inviting TDP Activists for resolve issues or differences through dialogue.
GVL Narasimha Rao advised Chandrababu Naidu to stop degrading himself with such drama and cheap stunts. He warned TDP Supremo by saying, 'For Godâs sake, focus on governance. Else, you will end up a bigger loser than your role models Siddaramaiah & Rahul Gandhi'.
In the end, Mr.Rao offered to answer all the questions raised by NRI TDP if they invite him to any programme organized by them. 'I will stay in USA for 3-4 days. Let us engage but let's not disrupt each other's programmes. I have the confidence that I can convince you by explaining the efforts being put by Modi to develop AP. If you have the patience to hear what I say, You just inform Me about the date, time and venue,' he challenged.
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GVL Narasimha Rao advised Chandrababu Naidu to stop degrading himself with such drama and cheap stunts. He warned TDP Supremo by saying, 'For Godâs sake, focus on governance. Else, you will end up a bigger loser than your role models Siddaramaiah & Rahul Gandhi'.
In the end, Mr.Rao offered to answer all the questions raised by NRI TDP if they invite him to any programme organized by them. 'I will stay in USA for 3-4 days. Let us engage but let's not disrupt each other's programmes. I have the confidence that I can convince you by explaining the efforts being put by Modi to develop AP. If you have the patience to hear what I say, You just inform Me about the date, time and venue,' he challenged.