BJP MP GVL Narasimha Rao is contemplating on filing a Public Interest Litigation in the Hyderabad High Court against AP CM Chandrababu Naidu for allegedly splurging public money for political mileage. He accused the TDP Government of wasting the Tax Payer's money & funds meant for welfare/development programmes on Dharma Porata Deekshas & political tours.
GVL questioned how could Chandrababu Naidu who keeps saying that AP is in crisis splurge hundreds of crores for his air travels & five/seven-star accommodations. He alleged AP CM has been touring Delhi, Karnataka, UP and Tamil Nadu in special choppers to unite Opposition Parties against Centre at the expense of public exchequer.
The Parliament Member opined, 'Chandrababu Naidu has been projecting that unity of Opposition is a historical necessity, but it's actually his personal necessity. He is free to meet anybody but can't splurge tax payers money for political tours. It's an exercise done for his existence'.
GVL questioned how could Chandrababu Naidu who keeps saying that AP is in crisis splurge hundreds of crores for his air travels & five/seven-star accommodations. He alleged AP CM has been touring Delhi, Karnataka, UP and Tamil Nadu in special choppers to unite Opposition Parties against Centre at the expense of public exchequer.
The Parliament Member opined, 'Chandrababu Naidu has been projecting that unity of Opposition is a historical necessity, but it's actually his personal necessity. He is free to meet anybody but can't splurge tax payers money for political tours. It's an exercise done for his existence'.