The comments made by Vijayawada West MLA Jaleel Khan in the Assembly lobby on Tuesday raised many eye-brows. When he & YCP Legislator Mustafa came face-to-face with each other, Jaleel Khan asked him: 'When will you join TDP? If you continue in YCP, You will have to face problems like Roja. CM Chandrababu Naidu has sanctioned Rs 300 crore to my constituency. Even if Pawan Kalyan contests against Me in 2019 Polls, I could win at least by a margin of 10 votes'.
Mr.Khan ridiculed Jagan saying he is day dreaming about coming to power at least in 2019. He blamed the YCP Chief for not accepting the fact even when he informed that farmers in AP Capital region are happy over land polling.
Finally, Jaleel Khan declared three more YSR Congress MLAs will be joining TDP by the end of Assembly Polls.
In the upcoming Cabinet Expansion, Jaleel Khan might be offered Ministerial Berth to handle Minority Welfare portfolio.
Mr.Khan ridiculed Jagan saying he is day dreaming about coming to power at least in 2019. He blamed the YCP Chief for not accepting the fact even when he informed that farmers in AP Capital region are happy over land polling.
Finally, Jaleel Khan declared three more YSR Congress MLAs will be joining TDP by the end of Assembly Polls.
In the upcoming Cabinet Expansion, Jaleel Khan might be offered Ministerial Berth to handle Minority Welfare portfolio.