Irish Man Leaves 23 Crores Worth Fish

Update: 2019-09-29 15:49 GMT
Irish Man Leaves 23 Crores Worth Fish
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An Irish man named Dave Edwards caught 8.5-foot blue fin tuna while fishing, and then he left it back into the sea. According to the local Irish news reports, the fish is the largest to be caught in the shores of Ireland this year and would have been worth around 23 crores9in Indian rupees).

Dave and his friends were not fishing for commercial purpose and thus, they released the tuna back into the waters. The pictures of this fish is now going viral all over social media. Apparently, the fish has weighed around 270 kg, which is quite massive.

"They are more unusual down here but tend to be much bigger when they do show up. This is the first one caught south of Donegal Bay this year and it really was a big fish," said Dave while speaking to a local news daily.

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