Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Friday undertook 'padyatra' in Adilabad district of Telangana to console families of farmers who committed suicide due to financial distress. Rahul launched his walkathon 'kisan sandesh yatra' on Friday morning from Koratikal village
Addressing the gathering Rahul took pot-shots on both central and state governments.rahul said "Acche din" have come only for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and few businessmen close to him. He also targeted Telangaan Chied minister KCR and called him as Mini Modi. He said that both the leaders are same in talking big but in reality they are far away from = addressing the concerns of the farmers and unemployed youth.
"One year has completed. Did anybody among you get a job which Modiji at centre and mini-Modi in Telangana (K. Chandrasekhar Rao) had promised," Rahul asked. Rahul, who gave a cheque of Rs.2 lakh to the family of a deceased farmers wife, advised her to ensure proper education of all her three daughters.
Addressing the gathering Rahul took pot-shots on both central and state governments.rahul said "Acche din" have come only for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and few businessmen close to him. He also targeted Telangaan Chied minister KCR and called him as Mini Modi. He said that both the leaders are same in talking big but in reality they are far away from = addressing the concerns of the farmers and unemployed youth.
"One year has completed. Did anybody among you get a job which Modiji at centre and mini-Modi in Telangana (K. Chandrasekhar Rao) had promised," Rahul asked. Rahul, who gave a cheque of Rs.2 lakh to the family of a deceased farmers wife, advised her to ensure proper education of all her three daughters.