Krupamani's suicide case is giving new twist every day. Few days before a married woman named Kruparani from west Godavari district committed suicide by jumping into a lake after being forced by her parents to join the sex trade.
Before committing suicide she took a selfie and explained her ordeal. In the selfie she narrated how her parents has been forcing her into prostitution and harassed her. She also explained how they tortured her son when she was not in favour of their decision. Kruparani separated with her husband Pawan few days back and staying along with her mother and brother.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister took the case very seriously and asked the West Godavari Collector and police officials to speed up the investigation of Krupamani's suicide case.
Police get into action and they got to know some stunning revelations. As per reports police found Krupamani's mother's pen drive and it was loaded with hundreds of nvde pictures and porn videos. Police were shocked to see such pictures in a woman's memory device.
Kruparani was in fact sold to a person and key accused Sai Srinivas for Rs. 7 Lakhs. Srinivas threatened the victim that he would take obscene videos of her and releasing them on social media, if she went back to her husband Pawan.
It is also learnt that the chief accused in the case, G Sai Srinivas is said to be having strong political link ups and he sexually harrased few women earlier too. Krupamani's mother and brother both have gone underground after knowing about police investigation.
Before committing suicide she took a selfie and explained her ordeal. In the selfie she narrated how her parents has been forcing her into prostitution and harassed her. She also explained how they tortured her son when she was not in favour of their decision. Kruparani separated with her husband Pawan few days back and staying along with her mother and brother.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister took the case very seriously and asked the West Godavari Collector and police officials to speed up the investigation of Krupamani's suicide case.
Police get into action and they got to know some stunning revelations. As per reports police found Krupamani's mother's pen drive and it was loaded with hundreds of nvde pictures and porn videos. Police were shocked to see such pictures in a woman's memory device.
Kruparani was in fact sold to a person and key accused Sai Srinivas for Rs. 7 Lakhs. Srinivas threatened the victim that he would take obscene videos of her and releasing them on social media, if she went back to her husband Pawan.
It is also learnt that the chief accused in the case, G Sai Srinivas is said to be having strong political link ups and he sexually harrased few women earlier too. Krupamani's mother and brother both have gone underground after knowing about police investigation.