When Modi pulled away Facebook CEO from Cam?

Update: 2015-09-29 13:42 GMT

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Silicon Valley had it share of controversies. Have a look at some of them...

I) Modi pulls away Facebook CEO from the cameras?

We knew Narendra Modi craves for publicity and doesn't want to miss any opportunity which makes him stay in the news. He was caught pulling away Mark Zuckerberg using his arm after the Facebook CEO blocked filming of PM at the Townhall event.

2) Microsoft CEO wiped hands after a handshake with Modi

The video showing Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella rubbing of his hands soon after the handshake with Indian Prime Minister has took the internet by storm. What Mr.Nadella had in his mind while wiping hands? Is it just a habit or should be seen as a negative vibe?

3) Facebook's tricolour profile picture

Soon after Narendra Modi meeting with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook introduced a tool which enables user to put a tricolour filter on their profile picture. The source code of the tool have 'internet.org', which indirectly tries people to extent their support to internet.org. This stirred a row and even Facebook's clarification didn't end it.


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