Hyd Youth throws slipper at Kanhaiya Kumar

Update: 2016-03-24 10:34 GMT
Chaos prevailed at a meeting addressed by JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar in Hyderabad. Two youth from Hyderabad were taken into custody when they threw footwear at the controversial leader.
The incident was happened at Sundarayya Vignana Kendram on Thursday when Kanhaiya addressing the meeting. The youth were identified as Naresh Kumar, Pawan Kumar Reddy and they were Sangh-affiliated Goraksha Dal workers.

When Kanhaiya stood up and began his speech at a seminar on citizen's rights, the two youths threw a shoe at him shouting some slogans. The youth sitting among the audience stood up and throws the chappal.It, however, missed the target.
The youth received some blows from AISF members even Kanhaiya asked to let them off. Police swung into action and took the youths into custody and the seminar continued. Kanhaiya Kumar reacting on the incident said that such incidents do not matter to him. The student leader wanted to know at whose behest they are resorting to such acts.
"Do whatever you want to do, I am not the one to get scared. My way is the Gandhian way. I want to know on whose orders these people are working" he said.

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