Earning food and feeding the family is the basic need and responsibility of any person. For this, people choose various fields and professions for earning and prostitution is one of them. Though people go to sex workers for their physical needs, the sex workers don't get respect and they are often discriminated against.
Prostitution doesn't confine to India alone, but various nations have it and a few nations are completely against it. Unlike India, the other nations, mainly the west, follow a concept called Dignity of Labour, which says people should be respected no matter what profession they take up.
As a big step in addressing the issues faced by the sex workers, the Supreme Court gave a key order that sex is legal and the Police cannot interfere. However, the Apex Court said that those who enter the field with their consent should be barred from legal action.
To date, the procedure followed by the cops while raiding the brothel house and arresting the sex workers is that the sex workers will be shown to the media and their pictures would be given to the media. On some occasions, the cops and media try to dig more details about the prostitutes which make the sex workers' identity gets revealed.
There are also a few allegations against the Police department that they often behave harshly with the sex workers if they were caught during raids. Now the Supreme Court said that the Police and media cannot behave in a similar way to the sex workers.
Giving key directives to the media, the three-judge Bench of the Supreme Court led by Justice L Nageswara Rao said that the identity and details of sex workers should not be revealed and the media should take care that the details are not made public.
The Apex Court said that the sex workers also enjoy the same rights and protection as others do and the right cannot be hindered. Directing the States and Union Territories, the Supreme Court said that, running a brothel house is unlawful and doing prostitution with consent is legal. Not just sex workers, but their children also rightful for dignity, the bench added.
Prostitution doesn't confine to India alone, but various nations have it and a few nations are completely against it. Unlike India, the other nations, mainly the west, follow a concept called Dignity of Labour, which says people should be respected no matter what profession they take up.
As a big step in addressing the issues faced by the sex workers, the Supreme Court gave a key order that sex is legal and the Police cannot interfere. However, the Apex Court said that those who enter the field with their consent should be barred from legal action.
To date, the procedure followed by the cops while raiding the brothel house and arresting the sex workers is that the sex workers will be shown to the media and their pictures would be given to the media. On some occasions, the cops and media try to dig more details about the prostitutes which make the sex workers' identity gets revealed.
There are also a few allegations against the Police department that they often behave harshly with the sex workers if they were caught during raids. Now the Supreme Court said that the Police and media cannot behave in a similar way to the sex workers.
Giving key directives to the media, the three-judge Bench of the Supreme Court led by Justice L Nageswara Rao said that the identity and details of sex workers should not be revealed and the media should take care that the details are not made public.
The Apex Court said that the sex workers also enjoy the same rights and protection as others do and the right cannot be hindered. Directing the States and Union Territories, the Supreme Court said that, running a brothel house is unlawful and doing prostitution with consent is legal. Not just sex workers, but their children also rightful for dignity, the bench added.