Your Computer gets hacked if this File is opened!

Update: 2017-05-15 10:59 GMT
Vanacrai Ransomeware Virus is now shaking 150 countries. As many as 75,000 computers across the World have been hacked because of this malware. All the Nations have been taking measures at a large scale to minimize the damage caused by this cyber attacks.

Experts have been advising people not to open the e-mail which comes with an attachment 'tasksche.exe'. They even suggesting public that the safest option would be to ignore those files which come with .exe extension.

Ransomeware Virus is capable of hacking the computers and stealing all the data. Microsoft held US Government responsible for these Cyber Attacks. The IT Giant alleges the hacking tool used for Ransomeware Virus spread was actually developed by US Security Agency. Microsoft chief Brad Smith says this hacking tool was leaked online in April this year. Following the cyber attacks, Donald Trump discussed with Homeland Security Advisor about the consequences.

Earlier, Wikileaks disclosed that US Government has been using hacking tools to keep an eye on the entire World.

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