Three Princes Get Arrested In Saudi Arabia

Update: 2020-03-08 17:17 GMT
The main difference between monarchy and democracy is that in monarchy, government follows what the head has ordered first and then look for evidences to support his/her decision. In a democracy, evidences must be present to make a case and arrest a person, even if he/she did commit a crime.

Well, Saudi Arabia princes found this out by themselves. Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman ordered to detain his relatives and brother alleging that they are running a coup to take over the crown.

He has been detaining royal members of the family, relatives and businessmen ever since he assumed the Crown and this is his latest round of detentions to eliminate threats.

American media has reported that Crown prince detained his younger brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, former crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef and his younger brother Nawaf bin Nayef.

All three of them were arrested by Armed forces and the investigation about them planning an assassination of Crown Prince is going on.

If Saudi Arabian Army finds them guilty of the charges, they will be sentenced to death or life sentence.

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