Want to go to US, report your social media details too!

Update: 2017-05-06 16:27 GMT
Trump government is announcing some or the other reforms in their immigration laws so that it gets harder and harder for migrants to enter US. The government has said that this is to filter out the terrorist and anti-social elements from entering their country but things have been going too far.

Government issued an additional warrant that every applicant for US Visa should answer questions about their social media details as well. Along with many mandatory  documents, the applicants should also submit additional documents like passport numbers, social media accounts from last five years, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and all biological details. All the details declared will be checked for their authenticity.

United States Department of State have announced in a press release that President Trump took this decision to counter the terrorism and any kind of terrorists entering into the country. They declared that if someone is found out to be having even remote possible connection with any terrorist organisation or terrorist through Social Media, then they will be denied US Visa on spot as per the new rules.

USDS confirmed that the rules are not implemented keeping any one Nation or Community in mind. They said it is more of a precautionary action in their continuous war against Terrorism. Well, due to this, the screening process would get even tougher and as 65,000 applicants do apply for Visa, on an average of one hour per applicant, the work pressure increases by 65,000 hours!

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