WHO Expert On Producing Vaccine For Pandemic

Update: 2020-07-23 14:52 GMT
Ever since the respiratory disease originated from the Wuhan Province of China reached an alarming level, researchers and pharms giants upped their efforts to produce a potential vaccine.

Many vaccines have passed the first stage and gearing up for the second stage raising many hopes on rooting away the ongoing pandemic from the world very soon.

Amid this critical stage, the World Health Organization (WHO) expert Mike Ryan said, though the process of producing vaccine is impressive the vaccine will be out in early 2021.

Mike Ryan who leads the emergencies programme of WHO said, despite all the efforts put forth by the medical experts and researchers it will be too difficult to produce the vaccine before early 2021.

He made these comments at a recent virtual meeting and said, producing vaccines for the entire world imposes another challenge for the researchers and they have to see that everybody gets the vaccine.

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