Will Brahmani Replace Lokesh in TDP?

Update: 2020-03-04 06:21 GMT
The TDP is facing a strange predicament. Chandrababu Naidu, the veteran of many a battles, is ageing and it is highly unlikely that he would be able to lead the party in the 2024 elections. His son Lokesh is proving to be clearly incapable of leading the party. His gaffes are legion and goofups are subject of folklore within the party. His leadership qualities and the ability to lead the party to victory are now suspect.

While a strong section feels that Junior NTR should be brought in to lead the party, Chandrababu Naidu is said to be opposed to this idea. If NTR enters the fray, it would be swansong for Lokesh. So, the proposal is to make Nara Brahmani, wife of Lokesh Babu and daughter of Nandamuri Balakrishna, the party's spearhead. If the buzz we are hearing is true, she is likely to be offered a key role in the party

Already, she is guiding the IT and social media wing of the party and the party leaders are feeling inspired under her leadership.Recently, she attended a social meeting core group meeting and gave guidance to the party workers. Sources said Lokesh was to attend this meeting, but could not make it due to some reasons. In his absence, Brahmani took over and conducted the meeting very efficiently.Now the buzz is that even Chandrababu Naidu is seriously contemplating giving a key role to Brahmani in the party affairs. Even he is veering to the opinion that Brahmani would be a better leader compared to Lokesh, whose mumbling and fumbling have led to the creation of many a meme!!

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