No Campaign For YCP Party From Actor Ali This Time?

Comedian Ali who is a supporter of the YCP is said to be in plans to not be a part of campaign activities.

Update: 2024-03-30 06:25 GMT

The YSRCP has a few supporters from the film industry who were active in the party activities before the last elections. During the campaign, they played a key role and served as the star campaigners for the party. After coming to power, the YSRCP gave good positions to the supporters.

However, one supporter from the industry is said to have decided to stay away from the campaign activities this time. Comedian Ali who is a supporter of the YCP is said to be in plans to not be a part of campaign activities.

It was earlier reported that Ali might be given any nominated post. Once Ali met Jagan and told the media that they would hear the news about this soon. But he did not get any nominated post.

He was shown empty hands in the seat allocation. A few people from his community were given tickets. Despite this, he was not given a ticket. Many felt that he might get a ticket this time either MLA or MP segment. But nothing happened.

Ali was given an advisor post earlier. However, it was reported that he was not happy with the party for not granting him the post. It is known that Ali and Pawan Kalyan have been thick friends for a long time. Despite this Ali supported Jagan and walked with the YSRCP.

It is common for people to expect Ali to get a ticket to contest the elections. There are a few seats where the minority votes are in big numbers and the candidates from the community will have better chances to win. Even in the seats, Ali was not given a ticket.

One is that Ali is reportedly not happy with the leadership not granting him a ticket. The second thing is that the party did not ask him to be a part of the campaign activities. On the other hand, the party sources say that he might get any nominated post if the party comes to power in elections again.


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