Robot Dog With Automatic Rifle: China Stuns The World!

Military is a very crucial aspect for any country in the world and this is the reason why the countries go for the upgradation of weapons

Update: 2024-05-29 10:32 GMT

Military is a very crucial aspect for any country in the world and this is the reason why the countries go for the upgradation of weapons. If we look at modern history there has been a lot of change in the weapons and the latest ones replaced the old ones. Countries also dedicate a big share of their budgets to weapon upgradation.

Dragon country China which is dubbed as one of the biggest military forces in the world is known for bringing new weapons. Going by the same trend China added a new weapon to its armory and unveiled a robot dog that can carry out the given mission.

China grabbed everyone’s attention by displaying the robot dog with a gun fitted on its top. It is said that the robot can identify the target and then fire. At a Joint exercise, China flaunted its new weapon to the world.

The viral video shows a robot dog with an automatic rifle moving forward. It can be operated by an operator and comes with a 4-D wide angle perception angle. It works for two to four hours based on the battery power.

As per the information the robot dog was displayed at the “Golden Dragon 2024” as a joint exercise of China and Cambodia. The robot is capable of walking, lying down, and hopping upon command. The operator can decide what the robot dog can do. The special robot dog weighs 15 kg and can even perform drills. The video also shows the robot dog doing a mock drill along with the armed soldiers.

On the other hand, this is not the first time a country has come up with such a weapon. Earlier, the US surprised the world. While reacting to a hostage incident, the Massachusetts Police used the robot dog and played a key role in this.

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