What is the Biological Age? Tips For Mental Health

Saying that the brain's ability reduces after 30 years and it declines further at 80 Leroy Hood feels that a few tips should be followed to improve the brain's ability.

Update: 2023-11-15 08:08 GMT

There is a popular saying that says age is for the body but not the heart. Famous doctor Leroy Hood is talking about this from a new angle and creating interest in everyone. Leroy Hood is one of the most celebrated doctors in the world. The American biologist recently came to Hyderabad. While his image as the Inventor of the automated gene sequencer is one thing, his comments on the importance of the brain in human life are one thing. Those who listen to his tips to keep the mind active might think of following at least a few of them.

He said that if we focus on brain health, then age will not be an issue. Saying that his actual age is 82, the doctor said that his biological age is just 65. He says that if the brain is kept healthy and physical exercise is maintained, not just the physical age but also the biological age can be reduced.

Saying that the brain's ability reduces after 30 years and it declines further at 80 Leroy Hood feels that a few tips should be followed to improve the brain's ability. He advises driving old cars as a good exercise for the brain. Saying that brain functioning improves by driving a vehicle, he advised a few more tips.

- Knee Exercise should be done

- Aerobics and other exercises should be done

- Exercise improves the supply of oxygen to the brain cells.

- Things should be looked at from a side angle rather than a straight view

- Fuzzles should be filled

- Food habits also impact the brain capacity

- Care should be taken that the daily diet should have high fiber, vegetables, and fruits. Nuts should also be included.

- Liquor and red meat should be consumed less

- There should be a gap of at least eight hours between lunch and night meal

- If a heavy meal is consumed in the night then there is no need for tiffin in the morning. Tea or Coffee will be sufficient.


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