US:Data Reveals Spine-Chilling Picture Of Gun Violence!

Update: 2023-07-24 09:52 GMT

America, the land of opportunities has now become the land of violence. Though gun violence is not new to the country, the incidents are increasing at a rapid pace. The data says that even the Covid fear could not bring down the violence. The incidents even saw a big increase during the Covid pandemic time.

Loking at the frightening picture, the Indian community there is worried. The Indian population is growing there and in some areas, the population dominates the native americans. Besides the growing population, the massive growth in such incidents is creating many fears.

The United States was rocked by another shocking incident. In a spine-chilling incident, a teen from India was shot dead in California. The efforts that went into taking him to a hospital for treatment did not pay off. The victim is identified as Jackson who is 17 years old.

The issue raised many concerns among the Indian community there. The incident shed light on the growing violence and the spine-chilling stats. Over the weekend, as many as nine mass shootings were reported in the country and this speaks volumes about the situation there.

We are just seven months into 2023 and more than 400 incidents have already happened. A website that traces the data on gun violence incidents in the country revealed shocking details about the issue and how the incidents are increasing exponentially.

As per the information, till Sunday, as many as 404 mass shootings were reported this year. This says that the incidents increased by 9 percent compared to last year. All the incidents resulted in 453 people losing their lives and people of various age groups are victims of this. Even children in their teenage years also breathed their last.

In some cases, we saw how teenagers also created havoc with gun firing. Getting a gun license is so easy there and this is leading to a big disaster. The legal age to get gun violence is 18 years in the US. However, a few states reportedly allow even kids to have a weapon. The numbers we saw this year are very high. But 2020-21 saw even higher incidents that left a big scar. It is said that more than 600 incidents were reported.


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