Bollywood's star heroine Alia Bhatt is very busy these days with projects like Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film, 'RRR' and 'Brahmastra' in her hands. Nonetheless, the beautiful lady still found time to go on a vacation along with her girl squad.
She has been posting some gorgeous clicks in the beach from the past few days and her fans are enjoying them to the core. The 'Raazi' actress posted a selfie where she gave a cool pose along with her friends. It looks like she is having a great time by the beachside.
Dressed in a pink two-piece bikini, the vivacious beauty is sure to make the youth go crazy with her glamour dose. She flaunted her curves and they are pulling people like a magnet. With wet hair and sunglasses, Alia looks extremely stunning and you cannot take your eyes off her.
She captioned this click, "heal, learn, grow, love." Alia is deeply in love with Bollywood's playboy Ranbir Kapoor and the media says that they may get married by the end of this year.
She has been posting some gorgeous clicks in the beach from the past few days and her fans are enjoying them to the core. The 'Raazi' actress posted a selfie where she gave a cool pose along with her friends. It looks like she is having a great time by the beachside.
Dressed in a pink two-piece bikini, the vivacious beauty is sure to make the youth go crazy with her glamour dose. She flaunted her curves and they are pulling people like a magnet. With wet hair and sunglasses, Alia looks extremely stunning and you cannot take your eyes off her.
She captioned this click, "heal, learn, grow, love." Alia is deeply in love with Bollywood's playboy Ranbir Kapoor and the media says that they may get married by the end of this year.