Nara Rohit, has been doing films devoid of their success and failure at the box office. He has been coming up with varied content and at least one release for every two months in the year. But his one film is unable to find a slot to release and even though it generated enough buzz, the movie is slowly fizzling out of the public memory. The movie is Kathalo Rajakumari.
The movie's teaser, trailer and title logo have created enough buzz in the public. Also, with Naga Shourya is a special cameo many felt the movie will be the come back of Nara Rohit has his films have not been hits at the box office. But the movie that had to be released in June itself has been postponed to 25th of August. The posters with release date have also been released.
We don't know the exact reason why the movie has been postponed. They had a great chance to release for Vinayaka Chaviti weekend with dubbed films Vivekam, VIP2 and a medium budget, Arjun Reddy to compete. The dubbed films impact has been less over the time and also Arjun Reddy is expected to have a hue impact as off now.
But now the reports state that the movie has been again postponed to September. Already, the month of September is packed with big movies like Paisa Vasool, Yuddham Saranam, Meda Mida Abbayi, Okkadu Migiladu, Spyder, Jai Lava Kusa and Mahanubhavudu. Also, Nara Rohit's other film, Balakrishnudu is also scheduled for a September release. We have to see when will the Rajakumari in this story will see the light of the day!