Megastar Chiranjeevi's son-in-law Kalyaan Dhev's upcoming film 'Kinnerasani' is being made under the direction of 'Aswathama' fame Ramana Tej. Produced under 'SRT Entertainments' banner by Ram Talluri, the film's story and screenplay were given by Desharj Sai Tej. After a different and interesting motion poster, the film's unit released a special teaser on New Year's eve. Now, they released the 'Theme Of Kinnerasani' on Kalyaan Dhev's birthday.
This theme of 'Kinnerasani' is attracting the viewers and it shows various shots like a burning paper falling on the road and rain falling at the same time. After that, they showed a person walking with a lantern in his hand, a girl's image and some shots of law and order. At last, they revealed the face of Kalyaan Dhev and Mahati Swara Sagar's music is worth mentioning. On the whole, this video definitely increases the expectations of the audience. The shooting of this film is underway and the release date is yet to be announced.
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This theme of 'Kinnerasani' is attracting the viewers and it shows various shots like a burning paper falling on the road and rain falling at the same time. After that, they showed a person walking with a lantern in his hand, a girl's image and some shots of law and order. At last, they revealed the face of Kalyaan Dhev and Mahati Swara Sagar's music is worth mentioning. On the whole, this video definitely increases the expectations of the audience. The shooting of this film is underway and the release date is yet to be announced.