Senior actor Ashish Vidyarthi who is well known for villain and character roles in numerous Telugu movies has gotten married at the age of 60. The actor who played significant roles in movies like 'Pokiri', 'Ala Modalaindi' and others has entered the wedlock with Rupali Barua who is from Assam. The wedding was a private affair which was held on Thursday, May 25th.
This is Ashish's second marriage as he previously got married to Rajoshi who is the daughter of Shakuntala Barua, a famous actress of old times. His present wife hails from Guwahati and she owns a top-class boutique in Kolkata.
As we know, Ashish Vidyarthi has been acting for the last three decades and worked in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and other regional films too. Apart from 'Pokiri', his roles in movies like 'Gudumba Shankar', 'Anthanokkade', 'Aagadu', 'Varudu' and many others showcase his versatility. Lately, he has become famous for his vlogs on Youtube too. Ashish Vidyarthi is a food lover and often likes to taste local foods in whichever places he visits.
Currently, the news of Ashish Vidyarthi's second wedding is going viral on social media and more details regarding the couple's love story is expected to come out soon.
This is Ashish's second marriage as he previously got married to Rajoshi who is the daughter of Shakuntala Barua, a famous actress of old times. His present wife hails from Guwahati and she owns a top-class boutique in Kolkata.
As we know, Ashish Vidyarthi has been acting for the last three decades and worked in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and other regional films too. Apart from 'Pokiri', his roles in movies like 'Gudumba Shankar', 'Anthanokkade', 'Aagadu', 'Varudu' and many others showcase his versatility. Lately, he has become famous for his vlogs on Youtube too. Ashish Vidyarthi is a food lover and often likes to taste local foods in whichever places he visits.
Currently, the news of Ashish Vidyarthi's second wedding is going viral on social media and more details regarding the couple's love story is expected to come out soon.