Few days ago, Rana Daggubati & Vijay Devarakonda took part in the inauguration of a Showroom. The price tag quoted by both these Actors for a 10 minutes stay at the venue is really shocking if comparisons were drawn.
As per highly placed sources, Rana charged Rs 15 lakh to make an appearance at the inauguration. Whereas, Vijay Devarakonda was paid a whooping Rs 30 lakh for the same gesture.
In a recent interview, Vijay disclosed he doesn't like to attend mall openings at all and hence quoting a huge price. He, however, doesn't mind accepting such a proposal if the pay package is good enough. This is the reason why Vijay Devarakonda was able to pocket double that of Rana Daggubati who have a Pan-India appeal.
The brand value of Vijay Devarakonda kept raising after the release of 'Arjun Reddy'. And now, He is capitalizing on it!
As per highly placed sources, Rana charged Rs 15 lakh to make an appearance at the inauguration. Whereas, Vijay Devarakonda was paid a whooping Rs 30 lakh for the same gesture.
In a recent interview, Vijay disclosed he doesn't like to attend mall openings at all and hence quoting a huge price. He, however, doesn't mind accepting such a proposal if the pay package is good enough. This is the reason why Vijay Devarakonda was able to pocket double that of Rana Daggubati who have a Pan-India appeal.
The brand value of Vijay Devarakonda kept raising after the release of 'Arjun Reddy'. And now, He is capitalizing on it!