AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has fired on YSRCP Chief and opposition party leader Jaganmohan Reddy. Speaking on special status issue opposition party leader Jagan remarked Andhra Pradesh CM as outdated politician.Chandrababu gave fitting reply to Jagan and says that the opposition leader was ran away from America by leaving his studies in the middle.
Chandrababu further added that his son, Lokesh, unlike Jagan, completed his education in the US and returned with degree. CBN said that he even mentioned the same to Jgaan's father and then CM YSR. Chandrababu reminded that he was the first who promoted the IT sector. CM said that he will not spare or tolerate the attitude of the opposition party leader anymore. Naidu remarked that the opposition is trying to politicize each and every issue.
Chandrbabu further added that Jagan met TRS leader Harish Rao in a hotel and recommended Stephenson's name for nominated MLC post.
Chandrababu further added that his son, Lokesh, unlike Jagan, completed his education in the US and returned with degree. CBN said that he even mentioned the same to Jgaan's father and then CM YSR. Chandrababu reminded that he was the first who promoted the IT sector. CM said that he will not spare or tolerate the attitude of the opposition party leader anymore. Naidu remarked that the opposition is trying to politicize each and every issue.
Chandrbabu further added that Jagan met TRS leader Harish Rao in a hotel and recommended Stephenson's name for nominated MLC post.