Its known that Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu released a "white paper" on electricity, explaining how the Congress government ruined the power sector and pushed the state into a deep crisis during the last decade.In his first White Paper, Babu nailed at 10-year-rule of Congress government including YSR's regime.
Now here comes fitting reply from opposition leader YS Jagan Mohan reddy.Challenging the white papers of Chandrababu now YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is planning to release black papers.
It was rumored in political circles that Jagan is planning to release a Black Paper on TDPs poll promises to counter the Naidu governments White Papers on the states Power and Financial affairs.
The Black Paper aimed to question integrity of the TDP government in fulfilling the promises it has made to come to power. It will also highlight the mistakes and loopholes in the governance of TDP for the last one month.
The white paper tries to cover up the faulty policies of the TDP term and try to spread falsehood on YSR.While the state Electricity Board was in profits for the five consecutive years from 1985 to 94, it was pushed into the red during the ten year rule of TDP from 1994 to 2004 and the accumulated loss was over Rs 20,000 crores.We will highlight all these.Said a spokesperson of YSRCP.
Now here comes fitting reply from opposition leader YS Jagan Mohan reddy.Challenging the white papers of Chandrababu now YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is planning to release black papers.
It was rumored in political circles that Jagan is planning to release a Black Paper on TDPs poll promises to counter the Naidu governments White Papers on the states Power and Financial affairs.
The Black Paper aimed to question integrity of the TDP government in fulfilling the promises it has made to come to power. It will also highlight the mistakes and loopholes in the governance of TDP for the last one month.
The white paper tries to cover up the faulty policies of the TDP term and try to spread falsehood on YSR.While the state Electricity Board was in profits for the five consecutive years from 1985 to 94, it was pushed into the red during the ten year rule of TDP from 1994 to 2004 and the accumulated loss was over Rs 20,000 crores.We will highlight all these.Said a spokesperson of YSRCP.