After she suffered a cardiac arrest on Sunday evening, Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa was put on ECMO at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Apollo Hospitals in Chennai. What does ECMO mean?
ECMO stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. This is a life support system particularly used for patients who suffered cardiac arrest. When a patient doesn't respond to conventional CPR, This rescue therapy will be used by the Doctors.
The ECMO Machine drains the blood from a vein, provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. Other features include warming and pumping of the blood to lungs and heart.
Usually, ECMO is implemented in cases where there is a possibility of reversing the cardiac arrest.
ECMO stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. This is a life support system particularly used for patients who suffered cardiac arrest. When a patient doesn't respond to conventional CPR, This rescue therapy will be used by the Doctors.
The ECMO Machine drains the blood from a vein, provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. Other features include warming and pumping of the blood to lungs and heart.
Usually, ECMO is implemented in cases where there is a possibility of reversing the cardiac arrest.