Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Monday announced Amma Mobile Phone Scheme for the Women Self-Help Groups in the state.
AIADMK Government will acquire 20,000 Amma mobile phones with special software in Tamil for trainers of the women self-help groups. The budget allotted for this scheme is Rs 15 crore.
Jayalalithaa is fondly known as Amma in Tamil Nadu. Earlier, The Iron Lady has announced schemes such as Amma Canteens, Amma Cement, Amma Healthand etc., for highly subsidised prices for the sake of poor and needy. The Amma Schemes have won Jaya a special place in the hearts of poor all over Tamil Nadu. It's Amma-brand which is worrying the Opposition Parties in Tamil Nadu more than anything else. Even though the Opposition parties tried their best to win the faith of people with an anti-liquor campaign, They were largely unsuccessful posing a threat to Jayalalithaa. Most probably, She is likely to serve as CM for the next term as well.
AIADMK Government will acquire 20,000 Amma mobile phones with special software in Tamil for trainers of the women self-help groups. The budget allotted for this scheme is Rs 15 crore.
Jayalalithaa is fondly known as Amma in Tamil Nadu. Earlier, The Iron Lady has announced schemes such as Amma Canteens, Amma Cement, Amma Healthand etc., for highly subsidised prices for the sake of poor and needy. The Amma Schemes have won Jaya a special place in the hearts of poor all over Tamil Nadu. It's Amma-brand which is worrying the Opposition Parties in Tamil Nadu more than anything else. Even though the Opposition parties tried their best to win the faith of people with an anti-liquor campaign, They were largely unsuccessful posing a threat to Jayalalithaa. Most probably, She is likely to serve as CM for the next term as well.