Solar panels to be made mandatory in Hyderabad

Update: 2014-09-19 14:46 GMT
Its known that Telangana government is running with Power shortage and identifying new ways to overcome the issue.According to reports It could soon be mandatory in Hyderabad  to install rooftop solar panels in all new homes, housing societies or commercial buildings.

Convinced that a long-term solution to the city’s power crisis lies in the obligatory use of renewable energy, the Telangana Government  is planning to make changes in its rulebook and link the installation of solar panels to building plan approvals.

Telangan IT minister said that they already ordered GHMC officials regarding this. KTR made these comments while Speaking at a workshop organized by the Administrative Staff College of India and GHMC  on “Transforming Indian Cities to Smart Cities’’

As per the new rule  no new house or office building will get civic clearance if the rooftop solar panel is not a part of plan.Already the construction costs raised to heoghst and with the new proposals they may toucjes sky.Common man’s own house will be always a dream…

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