Power Star Pawan Kalyan has a special position in Tollywood film industry. His films are quite famous for his style and action. If a hero comes out from Mega Family, spectators generally expect the style of Pawan Kalyan in him. Knowing this aspect, Pawan Kalyan is giving training to the Mega heroes before launching them into the market.
Among all the Mega Family heroes, the one who is considered as the most favorite student for Pawan is Varun Teja. It seems that our Power Star is giving few tips and tricks to entertain audience. Naga Babu is a big fan of Pawan and hence he kept his son in the hands of Power Star.
Apart from this, Varun Teja has good following in audience as he is the most handsome star from Mega Family. If Pawans tips works out well, Varun Teja can be a dominating hero in future. Lets see the standards of Pawan Kalyans lessons through Varun Tejas debut flicks.
Among all the Mega Family heroes, the one who is considered as the most favorite student for Pawan is Varun Teja. It seems that our Power Star is giving few tips and tricks to entertain audience. Naga Babu is a big fan of Pawan and hence he kept his son in the hands of Power Star.
Apart from this, Varun Teja has good following in audience as he is the most handsome star from Mega Family. If Pawans tips works out well, Varun Teja can be a dominating hero in future. Lets see the standards of Pawan Kalyans lessons through Varun Tejas debut flicks.